听力 Part1
1. Name: Jane Creswick
2. course: writing for the theater
3. address: No.79, Palace Street
4. current occupation: waitress
5. starting date: 13 June
6. attend the comic course at 5.30 pm
7. dietary requirement: no milk products
8. preferred comedy (也有同学回忆是comic)
9. the first source to get information: internet
10. the form of ads: leaflet
听力 Part2
听力 Part3
听力 Part4
Part 4 萤火虫
31. only fly worm larvae can eat
32. they see the light as warnings
33. adult fly worms often remain in the same area, building a colony of glowworms
34. larva glow brighter when they are hungry
35. Many firetlies are active in the day
36. Arachno refers to the way glowworms catch flying insects like spiders
37. cause accident of building fires
38. the research provides genetic information
39. major threat to glowworms: disease
40. further research should focus on the migrate information of. glowworms
阅读 Passage1
1. NOT GIVEN(17世纪的欧洲人主要穿羊毛wool制成的衣物。)
2. TRUE (衣服被当成薪水的一部分支付给一些工作人员。)
3. TRUE (用不能再穿的衣物制成了纸张。)
4. TRUE (1780年代的商店开始尝试吸引顾客们走进店里购物。)
5. FALSE (在十八世纪看见一个中产阶级女性逛街是很常见的。)
6. FALSE (十八世纪所有的商场都位于城市中心。)
7. 巴黎的Le Bon Marche百货大楼第一次把购物场所变成了社交场所,因为在其中包含了一家restaurant;
8. 他们家的创新包括:展示出了固定的prices供顾客观看挑选;(因为先前都是要讲价一番的)
9. 还提供对已购买商品的退款或exchange服务(这里要当心原文中的混淆信息,原文的refund对应了题干中的已有信息return,所以空格里就不能再填refund了)
10. 商场里有精心设计的routes,引导顾客一步步参观;
阅读 Passage2
题型:7道List of Headings + 4道句子填空题 +1道五选二的多选题
List of Headings
14. 阻止运动受伤的经济角度考虑(financial considerations)
15. 参与运动的各种好处
16. 成年人更少受伤,但伤势往往更严重
17. 关于运动的一种广泛传播的错误认识
18. 成年人运动方式的简化版
19. 有好教练的重要性(the importance of good coaching)
20. 手册里新增的一些变化
21. 在每年一百万因为运动而受伤的人里,占比最大的是需要hospitalisation的儿童;(也就是需要送医院就医,虽然这个词在word文档里会出现下滑线提示“拼写错误”,但原文中的答案确实长这样)
22. 孩子们在运动中学到的skills将来可以运用在自己的生活中;
23. 有一个研究者认为,父母们过于夸大了运动的risks;
24. 澳大利亚的media经常会探讨Australian football的运动风险。
更少的肢体接触(less physical contacts)
阅读 Passage3
题型:4道给词库的摘要填空题 + 5道判断题+ 5道单选题
27. 给复活节岛命名的人认为,岛上没有足够的wood可以帮助搬运;
28. 他还认为土著们的boats看起来很脆弱,经不起长途航行;
29. 岛民们看起来都生活在poverty之中;
30. 他们也没有发展出像样的agriculture。
31. YES( Erich von Daniken的观点短暂地得到了一些社会人士的支持。(他认为这些石像是外星人的作品,而有一些对space travel感兴趣的人对他的观点表示拥簇))
32. NOT GIVEN( 考古学家从复活节岛上取走了一些珍贵的物品。)
33. NOT GIVEN( 天花(smallpox)在欧洲人到来之后的几个世纪里还在影响着岛民。)
34. NO( 关于复活节岛上一度覆盖着森林这件事还有待达成共识。)
35. YES( 关于老鼠rats是如何来到岛上的还有待于进一步确认方式。)
36. Jared Diamond对于岛上植被消失的罪魁祸首归因于?
37. Hunt和Lipo认为复活节岛上的原住民?
38. 第五段里是如何评价rats的?
39. 另一个人是如何回应Hunt和Lipo的理论的?
正确答案:嗤之以鼻(dismissing it)
40. 本文的主要写作意图是?
Some people argue that cell phones should be banned in public places. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Mobile phone etiquette has become an important issue, with mobiles ringing at funerals, weddings, movies and plays. Therefore, some people advocate their prohibition in public places. I, however, disagree with a ban on cell phones in all public places.
Undoubtedly, in some places where “silence” is necessary, the use of mobile phones should be banned. Using mobile phones in certain public places can distract other people and divert their attention. For instance, in libraries, people can be easily distracted by ringtones of incoming calls or people talking loudly. Even in public places like hospitals, cell phones can easily interfere with the medical equipment and also irritate the patients waiting to see the doctor.
However, I strongly believe that the total banning of mobile phones in public places is not at all practical due to the following reasons. Firstly, in public places such as restaurants and parks, where people can talk loudly, the mobile phones can still be allowed. In addition, in this commercial and financial society, the prohibition will cause inconvenience and the people would not be able to catch up with the modern trend of communication. Cellphones have become vital tools in today’s world and blocking them in public places will result in a gross violation of personal freedom.
In conclusion, mobiles were invented for our convenience and not to create nuisance. If used judiciously, wisely and with public etiquette, mobiles can be of great use. As a result of this, banning the cell phone would not be practical.