托福独立写作高分用词经验谈 表示差异常用词differ用法精讲

    托福独立写作高分用词经验谈 表示差异常用词differ用法精讲,托福独立写作中因为词汇而扣分似乎是很多中国考生都会遇到的问题,用词缺乏变化,词汇搭配使用细节出错,这类问题层出不穷。有鉴于此,小编将为大家分享常用词汇differ的用法,结合例句为大家分享高分用词的经验技巧。

    托福独立写作高分用词经验谈 表示差异常用词differ用法精讲图1


    首先我们来看一下differ这个词。在托福写作中,凡是要表示差异区别或是不同的意思时,小编相信大部分考生的第一反应都是和differ相关的词汇,比如difference, differentiation, differentiate等等,而这些词汇在词汇用法搭配上都有所区别。需要大家了解其中差异才能正确运用。

    1. 动词differ用法


    a. A differ/differs from B

    b. A differ/differs from B to B

    c. ____ (多个相似的事物) differ in C


    English differs from Spanish in that it is not pronounced as it is written.

    Korean cuisine differs from English cuisine, because it is much spicier.


    Korean cuisine differs from English cuisine in that it is much spicier.


    Laws on pollution differ widely from country to country.

    Textbooks differ from school to school.


    Although they are similar in many respects, bonobos and chimpanzees differ greatly in social and sexual behaviours.

    托福独立写作高分用词经验谈 表示差异常用词differ用法精讲图2

    2. 另一个动词differenciate用法

    和differ相关的另一个动词differenciate,常有考生搞不清楚两者之前的区别,其实除了词性相同以及拥有相似的词根外,differenciate在含义上和differ还是有很大区别的。具体来说,differenciate更强调主动性,也就是主动去区别两者不同的意思,用英文来说就是identify the differences between things。而这个词主要的用法有两个,分别是:

    a. differentiate between A and B

    b. sth. differentiates A from B


    Joe is color-blind and cannot differentiate between red and green.

    The camouflage of octopuses makes it difficult for their predators to differentiate between them and rocks.


    The ability to speak differentiates humans from other animals.

    Although both whales and sharks are aquatic animals, the fact that whales are mammals differentiates whales from sharks.

    托福独立写作高分用词经验谈 表示差异常用词differ用法精讲图3

    3. 名词differrenciation用法


    Joe is color-blind and cannot differentiate between red and green. =>

    Joe is color-blind and cannot make a differentiation between red and green.


    Product differentiation is an important aspect of business.

    Companies should work hard to achieve differentiation in products.

    托福独立写作高分用词经验谈 表示差异常用词differ用法精讲以上就是关于托福独立写作中表达差别含义的词汇differ的一些高分用法经验分享,连带这个词的变化形式和例句一起,希望通过对本文的参考学习,大家能够更好地掌握常用词汇的用法细节,为考试做好充分准备。